Tedford & Associates > News > Car Accidents > The I-5 Tunnel Accident

It was a very unique case in the sense that there were 29 semi-trucks involved. If you’re coming down the Interstate Five, as you come into Los Angeles through Valencia, where Magic Mountain is, you will start to come down the hill. There is a bypass that is a lesser steep grade that they divert all semis to go through. And that is actually a tunnel that goes under the rest of the existing freeway. This particular accident happened during a torrential rainstorm, which is pretty rare in California. But it caused one of the trucks to hydroplane at the very end of the tunnel. And then it jackknifed.

Then another truck crashed into the side and it caused the fuel tanks to ignite. Which caused a chain reaction of 26 more trucks to crash. And our client was sort of near the middle. His injuries were sustained. He actually stopped before he hit the car in front of him. But then the guy behind him didn’t stop and jammed him into that one and the entire tunnel burned up. There was one passenger vehicle with four occupants that got trapped in the tunnel and they all passed away.

In a complex and challenging case spanning many years, we were able to obtain some justice for our client who had suffered a back injury. Our client received $300,000.00 settlement.

The sheer weight of a commercial truck almost guarantees injuries in a crash. Even if the truck is moving at a slow speed, devastating injuries may occur that require extensive recovery time, leaving a family without financial support. In some cases, the accident victim may never be able to enjoy the same quality of life as before the accident.

Tedford & Associates represents victims of trucking accidents throughout Pasadena, Glendale, and other Los Angeles County communities. We hold negligent truckers, trucking companies and their insurance companies accountable for our clients’ injuries. We offer appointments during standard business hours and can also accommodate morning, evening, and weekend hours. Call (626)414-3341 to schedule a consultation.

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