Why Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

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Hiring a personal injury attorney can provide several significant advantages if you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence or intentional act. Here are some reasons why you might want to hire a personal injury attorney:

Expertise and Knowledge: Personal injury attorneys have the expertise and knowledge of the law and procedure related to personal injury claims. They know how to navigate the legal system, handle necessary paperwork, and build a strong case on your behalf.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Dealing with insurance companies can be challenging. They often have their own team of attorneys and adjusters aiming to minimize the payout. A personal injury attorney knows how to negotiate effectively with these companies to seek the maximum compensation possible.

Determining the Value of Your Claim: It can be difficult for an individual to assess the full extent of the damages they should claim. This not only includes immediate medical bills, but also future medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. An experienced attorney can help evaluate these factors.

Representing You in Court: Most personal injury cases are settled before trial. However, if a fair settlement is not reached, you may need to go to court. A personal injury attorney can represent you, present your case effectively, and argue on your behalf.

Contingency Fee Basis: Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay unless you win your case. This allows you access to legal representation even if you don’t have the funds to pay upfront.

Saves Time and Stress: Handling a personal injury claim can be time-consuming and stressful, especially when you are recovering from an injury. Hiring an attorney can alleviate this burden, allowing you to focus on healing.

Remember, it’s important to hire an attorney who specializes in personal injury law, as they will have the specific knowledge and experience needed to handle such cases effectively.If you are seeking to file a personal injury claim, or if you are facing criminal charges of any kind, it is imperative that you retain the immediate representation of Tedford & Associates. Our Pasadena trial lawyers have been protecting the rights of our clients for more than three decades. When you choose to secure our award-winning legal representation, you can be confident that you have made the right choice. If you need a zealous advocate to fight for your right to compensation, we are here for you when you need us most. Do not try to navigate through the complexities of the legal system without our supportive assistance. We can provide you with the personalized and effective legal solutions you need. We offer appointments during standard business hours and can also accommodate morning, evening, and weekend hours. Call (626)414-3341 to schedule a consultation

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